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Increasing population size lowers wages and raises rents. This is bad for most people – especially the poor. It does benefit landlords and CEOs. So encouraging population growth makes the rich richer at the expense of the poor. Population growth is being encouraged with claims which lead you to believe that population is shrinking and denying, or otherwise trivializing, the problems caused by population growth.

Youtube is pushing some contradicting views. Such as that you should not be prejudiced. Now if you put overpopulation into youtube almost every video will say pretty much the same thing, that overpopulation is a myth and that there were two men, yes two men, Malthus and Ehrlich. They suggested the possibility of huge, catastrophic famines – but famines, which have since occurred (and could have been avoided, or at least reduced, via better family planning) were not as bad as they had suggested. Youtube suggests that, because of two (2) men, you should be prejudiced against anybody who suggests any warnings about overpopulation.

If you put homeless into the search box on youtube you will get numerous videos portraying the homeless as lazy. Yet youtube is also pushing the idea that the developed countries should increase their populations. A lack of cheap labor will mean that many people, who are in the position of CEO, or other managerial positions, will have to do some physical labor themselves. So a push for population growth (i.e. complaining of a ‘labor shortage’) is motivated not only by the greed, but also by the laziness, of the bourgeoisie.

You might think it is the users of youtube and not youtube itself who are the controllers of the content. Well you need to think again. Youtube cancel videos which they don’t like, even if the contents of the videos are not against their rules. For example, once when I put overpopulation into the search box for youtube I got a video of a teacher teaching his class that even minor population growth results in habitat destruction as it requires infrastructure, and crop production, which takes a lot of space, and so can – and does – wipe out entire ecosystems. Now that video was interesting, it was something that I had never thought of. That video was near the top of the list for overpopulation. Not long after this, I noticed that video had been removed and there was another video making a reference to it, showing silent clips of the teacher talking to his students and claiming that he was a racist. The person calling him a racist did not identify herself, you could not see her, you only heard a woman’s voice, with an American accent, saying that he was a racist. She did not give any reason for calling him a racist. I had seen the video and that he had not said, nor done, anything racist in the video. It is a well known fact that allegations of racism are often used as a means to nefarious ends.

Increasing the proportion of young people will make it harder for old people to compete for jobs. Youtube pushes the idea that a decreasing proportion of young people will be unable to pay the pensions of the old people. State provided pensions do not amount to much. It is not going to cripple the economy. Look at Japan, they are doing quite well, without increasing the population via state-sponsored incentives or mass immigration. There is something which people either never thought of – or simply adopted selfish, inconsiderate views about. The young people whom they are creating or importing will become old people and the situation will repeat itself.

Elderly people make up a substantial portion of the homeless. Increasing competition for jobs and increasing real estate prices are leading causes of homelessness. Perhaps youtube pushes the idea that homeless people are lazy, or otherwise self made, to divert attention from this. Homeless people do dirty jobs for very low pay such as selling street papers, collecting bottles and collecting cans. Also they must walk great distances to get what they need, in many cases. Begging is not called working but it is a very stressful and time consuming way to make money. It is unlikely that many of the bourgeoisie would do such work. It is hypocritical for bourgeoisie, who encouraged population growth, so that can get someone else to do their manual labor, to call the homeless, or anyone else, lazy. Many of the youtube videos about homelessness would be labeled ‘hate speech’ if they targeted woke-privileged, protected groups.

In her famous book Dead Aid, Dambisa Moyo advocates mass migration of the third world’s workforce to the west. How practical is this? More than 75% of the world’s population live in the third world. She thinks that mass migration will make the third world much wealthier because wealth will be sent home. This might be true of the first generations to arrive but subsequent generations are unlikely to send much money home. The poor people in the third world are not the ones who make it to the first world – it is the wealthier more intelligent ones who make it to the first world. Even asylum seekers need money and brains to make the journey and make a good case. The net effect is a drain of wealth and talent from the third world. Hey, what if you were in Africa and suddenly needed a good doctor? This further impoverishes the third world. This is a benefit to big companies who want to exploit the third world and get things cheaper there.

It is said that the first world is the land of opportunity and that it’s easy to get jobs there. However it is actually harder to get jobs in the first world, than in the third world because there’s more competition. Talented people from all over the world go to the first world to work. Once there, where competition for jobs is greater, many might be unable to compete. Nobody likes to blame themselves for their failure. So they might blame this on some perception of ‘discrimination’, which is fueled by the woke media. While we are on the subject of discrimination, it is important to note that discrimination against the homeless is still quite legal in these woke obsessed times. It would be funny if some of the bourgeoisie were forced to get out and collect some cans, or do some hiking to fill their water bottles – and did some real work!

Another old argument is that overpopulation is not the issue when it comes to hunger, we need more compassion and charity because there is enough food to feed the world’s population no matter how big it gets.

However anybody with half a brain knows that if you save a million people from starving – and that population is growing – it will result in larger numbers of starving people. So clearly we need to address the root causes of this. Why are poor people having large numbers of children? There are certain ways of thinking which need to be changed. The hindrances to this must be overcome. The woke claim that the west should absorb the third world – but not have any say in the things which drive this.

It is claimed that world population is going to peak sometime later this century. Well I read, in New International Magazine in the 80s, that world population was going to peak in 2025. Nobody can predict the future.

Mainstream media fails to mention the fact that high birth rates, amongst some parents, not only in the third world but the first world too, are often driven by a view that children are assets.

It is claimed that many people have large numbers of children as a substitute for old age pension. However one usually receives that when one is over 60, who, in their right mind, is going to spend the best part of their life raising a big family so they can be happy when they are over 60? Let’s be realistic. Just as you have some welfare mothers in the first world who have a lot of kids to get more money, you have some parents in places without a welfare system who have a lot of kids so they can send them out to work, beg or prostitute to make money for the parents. To provide an early retirement, or simply supplement or replace an income when the parents are young. Now that is a problem which obviously needs to be addressed. Furthermore, in many countries, people are actually encouraged, by others, to see children as assets and have large numbers of them. So peer pressure can play a role too. Attitudes need to be changed – and that’s not going to happen if mainstream media keeps failing to report these problems, or otherwise trivialize overpopulation.

Obviously large numbers of poor people are a benefit to big companies who can get cheap labor and other resources – but try to have some consideration for the kids. It is said that the problem is not overpopulation but a lack of compassion. So let’s have some real compassion!

Now I am not making stereotypes about people who live in the third world. Many of them are nice parents and don’t exploit their children. I know people in the third world who choose not to have any children at all. I myself live in the third world and I chose not to have any. There are also poor, homeless people in the third world who simply can’t have kids. It is such people who are the first to feel the bite of overpopulation. I am not making stereotypes about the bourgeoisie or landlords or CEOs either. There is good and bad in every group. There is good and bad in every person. No two men are created equal.

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